About Us

Hi! I'm Marnie
I am a small backyard hobbyist and mother of 3 located in eastern Georgia who spends most days snuggling chickens, training roosters, reading, blogging, gardening, canning pickles and jams, and raising a teenage daughter, while my dear husband of 26 yrs helps to build our homesteading dream. I keep a wide variety of heavy breed layers that are named, live in a designer coop, free range in my backyard, and are all around spoiled to death. Chickens are my favorite kind of therapy for relieving stress, staying active, and bringing healthier eating to my family through wonderful fresh eggs. We practice compassionate realism on our homestead and support many different methods for keeping poultry. Our dream is to move to the mountains and raise breeds like Brahmas, Silver Laced or Chocolate Orpingtons, and Swedish Flower Hens, as well as grow fruits and veggies to sustain us. Feel free to comment, share, or message me about your own experiences with keeping chickens or gardening organically. I just love sharing the fun I have with my backyard babies one glorious cluck at a time!